Monday, August 18, 2008

We're going native

See the attached pics; I have my hair braided and we learned to cook potato pudding "bush style". The braids are the first step towards dreds for us. Only one problem, Gary had his hair cut by a local barber and the poor guy was driven nuts with all his "fine" hair. With fans blowing for cooling those little white hairs were like small knives on the barber's arms. He cut Gary's hair very short, so dreds will be a ways off for him. My do is so easy, I can't even comb it; even if my head looks more like a flag with white stripes. It will last about 6 weeks, enough time to demonstrate to the Jamaican's that we've adopted their culture.

The pot pics are of our baking (with a friends help) potato pudding without an oven. All you need is a pot, a sheet of metal for a cover, and coals on top and the bottom. The pudding tastes like zucchini bread but has yams, potatoes, and plantain. Delicious.

The Jamaican's are thrilled about the Olympic results. To draw on the enthusiasm I'm thinking of starting a running group for children. There is a soccer field/goat pasture nearby that we can use.

Training comes to an end on August 28 and we're looking forward to getting to work on an array of possible projects. We'll update you as they unfold.

In the meantime, continue to look trash and redi (your best-if you can believe it). ms

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